Saturday, 4 December 2010

Does the Law Protect Us?

I believe the answer has to be "no" within the context of Christian Science. As a child, within CS, I used to hear comments to the effect that, of course, medical aid would be sought, if we were under the age of 16 and the healing was not "apparent". So that was all right then! Every child was and is protected within the law!

But, ask yourself....What about the child of a CS parent with no sense of emergency or medical knowledge, the child who is never registered with a doctor and who may also be home-schooled or the child who is denied immunisation?

The law offered me no protection. By-standers (family who visited) did nothing. School teachers did nothing when I was really ill. They told me to stay at home. "Home" sent me to school because, in reality, there was nothing wrong with me and so I should prove CS works. They all knew the law! Even years ago, people were too scared to speak up for fear of offending someone. A child's needs should never be abandoned.

Your experience? (USA and UK input would be good!)

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